Caring for Our Community for over 40 Years!
Renton Pediatrics Associates was started in 1980. Yes, we’ve been in practice for over 40 years! We have been on the campus of Valley Medical Center throughout this time. The practice was begun by Dr. Stuart Shorr and Dr. Peyton Gaunt, with Dr. Connie Patulot joining quickly after that. Dr Linda Wiseman joined a few years later. We opened our second location in Kent over 20 years ago, currently across the street from our original location. We have been caring for kids in the community ever since.
As an independent and private practice, we are not owned by any other organization. We are happy to work with many excellent physicians and organizations both in our own community and in our general region. We have a long relationship with Valley Medical Center and our Renton office is on the VMC campus. We are a proud member of Seattle Children’s Care Network (SCCN). We work with many specialists locally, as well as the pediatric specialists at all of the large regional care centers in Puget Sound.
In addition, several of our physicians teach medical students from the University of Washington School of Medicine and Pacific Northwest University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Our physicians are advisors for Puget Sound Educational Service District and are members of the Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. We are part of the UW Pivot Study, and Seattle Children’s Clinical Alliance.
Are We a Good Fit?
Choosing a pediatrician for your child is an important decision. It is crucial that your pediatrician’s philosophy on health and wellness aligns closely with that of your family. The following items should be considered in determining whether our practice is a good fit.