CareOffice & School FormsImmunizations
& AntibioticsRefills &
Office Visits & Appointments
Well-Child Exams
Well-child exams are a vital part of a child’s health care. These visits give us the opportunity to examine the child for overall health, growth, and development. We also discuss nutrition, sleep habits, and age-appropriate topics such as potty-training, dental care, and safety issues. Regular wellness visits allow us to detect and address health problems before they become serious, or in some cases prevent them entirely!
Newborns will have several visits in the first few weeks. Then, there are check-ups at two months, four months, and six months. After that, it’s every three months (9, 12, 15, 18 months). We then offer a well child visit at age two years (24months) and 2.5 years (30 months). Starting at age 3years, it’s recommended that children visit for a well child exam once each year.
Many of the well-child visits in the first year of life include immunizations. These help to protect the child from some harmful and potentially life-threatening diseases.
We encourage parents to keep a list of questions they may have and bring the list to the visit.
Same-Day Sick Visits
We understand that children can become ill quickly and unexpectedly, which is why we reserve a portion of our daily appointment schedule for sick children.
Our Renton office is also open on weekends for sick children with urgent problems that cannot reasonably wait until regular office hours.
Late or Missed Appointments
Our providers strive to run on time and keep wait times as minimal as possible. We request that you arrive ten minutes before your scheduled appointment time. When arriving late to an appointment, we may still be able to see your child, but we reserve the right to ask you to reschedule.
Please give 24 hours’ notice when an appointment needs to be cancelled. Missed appointments are a cost to our practice, to you, and to patients who may have needed the time reserved for your appointment. If you fail to cancel an appointment without 24 hours’ notice, a fee of $40 for an office visit and a fee of $50 for a Well Child Checkup will be applied to your account. After 3 no-shows, your family will be discharged from the practice.
Travel Visits
We are able to do travel visits for international travel. Some medications or vaccines need to start well in advance of leaving, and also take time to order for you. Please plan to do this sort of visit at least a month before you depart and let us know some details about where you will be going. Insurance probably will not cover this sort of visit, so there will be a bill that needs to be paid at the time of service.
Sports Exams
Schools may require clearance for participation in sports. We can do those exams and fill out the paperwork for you—if you bring the forms, we can do this at your regular check-up. For some schools, there are dates on the forms that your school requires for the timing of the exam. Insurance may not cover this sort of visit, so there will be a bill to be paid at the time of service. If we have done the exam, but you are dropping of the forms to fill out later, please give us a few days to get them done.
Telehealth Visits
We are excited to offer Telehealth visits! Some issues can be managed with Telehealth, and others are better as an in-office visit. Please call our office to schedule an appointment, and if appropriate, we can schedule the visit that way.
- We will give you instructions for when and how to log in to the Telehealth website.
- You do not need to download any apps in advance. Please use Google Chrome or Firefox for your web browser.
- Your computer’s camera and audio must be enabled.
- Good lighting is helpful. Place the light in front of you and your child, rather than behind you.
- Please have your child’s recent weight and temperature.
- We may need to review any medications your child is using, and verify your preferred pharmacy.
Informed Consent for Telemedicine Services
Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications to enable health care providers at different locations to share individual patient medical information for the purpose of improving patient care. The information may be used for diagnosis, therapy, follow-up and/or education, and may include any of the following:
- Patient medical records
- Medical images
- Live two-way audio and video
- Output data from medical devices and sound and video files
Electronic systems used will incorporate network and software security protocols to protect the confidentiality of patient identification and imaging data and will include measures to safeguard the data and to ensure its integrity against intentional or unintentional corruption.
Expected Benefits:
- Improved access to medical care by enabling a patient to initiate a visit and consult a healthcare practitioner at a distant/other sites.
- More efficient medical evaluation and management.
- Obtaining expertise of a distant specialist.
Possible Risks:
As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks associated with the use of telemedicine. These risks include, but may not be limited to:
- In rare cases, information transmitted may not be sufficient (e.g. poor resolution of images) to allow for appropriate medical decision making by the physician and consultant(s);
- Delays in medical evaluation and treatment could occur due to deficiencies or failures of the equipment;
- In very rare instances, security protocols could fail, causing a breach of privacy of personal medical information;
- In rare cases, a lack of access to complete medical records may result in adverse drug interactions or allergic reactions or other judgment errors;
By agreeing to your visit, your acknowledge that understand the following:
- I understand that the laws that protect privacy and the confidentiality of medical information also apply to telemedicine, and that no information obtained in the use of telemedicine, which identifies me, will be disclosed to researchers or other entities without my consent.
- I understand that I have the right to withhold or withdraw my consent to the use of telemedicine in the course of my care at any time, without affecting my right to future care or treatment.
- I understand that I have the right to inspect all information obtained and recorded in the course of a telemedicine interaction, and may receive copies of this information for a reasonable fee.
- I understand that a variety of alternative methods of medical care may be available to me, and that I may choose one or more of these at any time. My provider has explained the alternatives to my satisfaction.
- I understand that telemedicine may involve electronic communication of my personal medical information to other medical practitioners who may be located in other areas, including out of state.
- I understand that it is my duty to inform my provider of electronic interactions regarding my care that I may have with other healthcare providers.
- I understand that I may expect the anticipated benefits from the use of telemedicine in my care, but that no results can be guaranteed or assured.
Patient Consent To The Use of Telemedicine
I have read and understand the information provided above regarding telemedicine, and that I will be given an opportunity to discuss it with my provider during my visit if I have any questions. I hereby give my informed consent for the use of telemedicine in my medical care.
- We use software called for our telehealth visits. Use the links below when it's time for your appointment. Please use Google Chrome or Firefox.
- Edward Fisher, MD
- Daniel Friedman, MD
- Nicole Lauinger, MD
- Yass Moinpour, MD
- Rebecca Shwartz, MD
- Emily Mayzell, PNP
If your child’s illness or injury is life-threatening, call 911.
After-Hours Care
As pediatricians and parents, we know that having 24/7 access to health care advice is very important. At Renton Pediatrics, your child’s health is our top priority. It is important to us that our families are able to access medical care and advice 24 hours a day.
Our office hours are:
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-12:00pm
Call our office at 425-271-5437 to schedule a same day illness appointment with your provider during these hours.
After hours is defined as:
Monday-Friday after 5pm
Saturday after 1pm
Sunday after 12pm
For general inquiries after hours:
- Use Symptom Checker to decide what care is needed and how to get speedy relief from common illnesses or injuries that you can manage on your own.
- Refer to the Medication Dosages Tables
- Call a Consulting Nurse:
Most insurance companies offer FREE after-hours nurse consultation telephone numbers. Look for the contact numbers listed on your insurance card. (Please verify the after-hours nurse consultation service on your insurance card; not all groups participate in this benefit.) For your convenience, we have listed a few of these numbers below:- Molina: 800-869-7165 (English) or 800-648-3537 (Spanish)
- Premera: 800-841-8343
- Regence: 800-267-6729
- Community Health Plan of WA: 866-418-1002
- Coordinated Care/WA Apple Health: 877-644-4613
- Amerigroup: 866-864-2544
If your insurance company does not provide a consulting nurse service, Renton Pediatric Associates offers an after hours, telephone triage consultation service. This service puts you in touch with a pediatric-trained, triage nurse after the clinic is closed. If you feel you cannot wait for the office to open please call our main number and ask to speak with a triage nurse. Note: Our clinic is charged a fee for each call placed to this nurse triage service. Therefore, to offset this expense we charge our families for this call. Due to increasing costs our fee per call will increase from $20.00 to $26.00. This fee will not be billed to your insurance. This fee increase for our practice will go into effect 4/1/2025.
Urgent Care
It is always preferable for your child to be seen in our office for a medical issue, rather than at a series of different urgent care clinics by providers who lack a relationship with your family.
However, there are times when going to urgent care or an emergency room is the right choice. If you are not sure, call us and we can help figure out where to get the care you need. Some facilities are just for kids, and others see kids and adults.
We work with the specialists at all the regional pediatric hospitals as well as a lot of local specialists if they are needed for follow up.
Office & School Forms
New Patient Forms
- In preparation for your first visit, please print the forms below and complete them prior to your arrival.
- New Patient Registration PacketDownload all new patient forms conveniently bundled into one PDF.
- Financial PolicyIncluded in New Patient Packet.
- Notice of Privacy Practices
Authorization Forms
- Complete these forms to permit information to be share information and give consent for certain vaccines.
- Authorization for Healthcare of a Minor
- Authorization to Release Medical Records
- Checklist for injectable flu vaccine
- Screening questionnaire for intranasal flu vaccine (Flumist)
- Patient Portal Proxy Access
- These screening and assessment tools are used to help diagnose various conditions.
- ADHD Vanderbilt Assessment Scale (Parent)
- ADHD Vanderbilt Assessment Scale (Teacher)
- SCARED Anxiety Questionnaire
- Survey of Well-Being of Young Children
- PHQ-9 Depression Questionnaire
- M-CHAT Questionnaire
- CSBS DP Infant-Toddler Checklist
- ACT Asthma Control Test
School Forms
- Here are links to forms provided by local school districts.
- Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
- Renton School District: Medical
- WIAA Forms
- Kent School District: Physical Exam
- Kent School District: Allergies
- Kent School District: Asthma
- Kent School District: Medication
- Tahoma School District: Sports
- Auburn School District: Medication
Immunizations & Antibiotics
Immunizations save lives.
We believe that immunizing your child is one of the most important ways to keep them healthy, and that all children and young adults should receive all of the recommended vaccines according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Washington State immunization information system
You can register online for through the Washington State Department of Health and have easy access at home to your family’s immunization records. Please use this link to signup:
Antibiotics must be used responsibly.
We strongly believe in the responsible use of antibiotics, and make every effort to prescribe them only when a bacterial infection is suspected. Antibiotics have no benefit against viral colds, and can cause important side effects. We also do not routinely prescribe antibiotics over the phone.
Refills & Referrals
Medication Refills
In order to provide your child with the best care, we do not want them to run out of needed medications. At the same time, medications often require adjustments in dosing, timing, and potency.
If you request a refill through your pharmacy, they will contact us if additional refills need to be authorized. Please make sure to allow 48 hours for us to process the request. We may also contact you to schedule a visit to discuss your child’s health and medications.
Medications used to treat allergies, asthma, attention, anxiety, or depression may be used on an ongoing basis. When these medications are being started or adjusted, we may need to see your child more frequently. If things are going well, then visits may be less often, but still on a regular basis.
If you think your child would benefit from seeing a specialist, please call our office first. Our providers are experienced in treating a wide variety of medical and mental health disorders. Typically, if a specialist referral is needed, your child will need to be seen in our office first.
This allows us to:
- Determine what the issue is and how to best help
- Exchange necessary information with a specialist
- Provide your insurance company with the information they need to authorize coverage ahead of time